The Sandpearl is a fantastic location for shooting. There are many grand lobbies with huge art pieces and wall hangings all over the place, not to mention the beach! And yet here I am on the 5th floor in a random corner next to a small window. Go figure. But I just loved the light coming in and since Joe's groomsmen were still finishing up in the room we paused for a few quick portraits.

OK, now I'll take advantage of some of that great Sandpearl scenery. This cavernous stairway allowed for several unique shots of Joe. Tampa Photo also provided the video for this event, so I asked one of the guys to shine his video light on Joe for some added interest.

The bartenders and some guests were gracious enough to let us take over a whole section of the restaurant for some group shots.

Now it was time to focus on Charlene while the guys relaxed. This was the view from her room! She could look right outside and see where her ceremony was going to be in just a few moments.

The setting sun shines on Charlene as she is escorted down the aisle.

The couple squeezes a few last moments out of the fading light.

What a happy couple!

The girls "bring it" for a fun photo.

With the clock ticking we worked hard to get some quality portraits in before the reception.

The couple shares dances with Charlene's parents. It's always tough to frame a shot when two couples are dancing. Charlene's spin move allowed me to fill the frame while including all four dancers.

Congratulations Charlene and Joe! I hope you enjoyed your paparazzi experience (two photographers and two videographers can make anyone feel famous!). Thanks for being easy to work with and I hope you enjoy looking at the images as much as I enjoyed making them!